Thanks to everyone that helped out during the Draft EIS process!
Published January 17, 2012
I wished to thank everyone that participated and supported us in any way in the draft process for the Rosemont project.
Your support and enouragement has helped move us one step closer to getting the Rosmont project open!
This is not the final hurdle, the state and federal government still have several other hoops that must be jumped through.
Stay tuned, We will be posting more information on how you can help!
Thanks again from me, Dennis Messer, and all of us at the Arizona Business Coalition.
Last DEIS public hearing this week, come and let your voice be heard.
Published January 13, 2012
This week is the last lublic hearings for the draft EIS on the Rosemont project
January 14th, 2011, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m
Sahuarita High School,350 W. Sahuarita
Sahuarita, AZ
Please attend to show your support!
If you are planning on attending please wear a pro Rosemont green thumb, just print it, cut it out and pin it to your shirt. Click here to get your green thumb!
If you plan on speaking, Take a look at these suggested talking points !
Click HERE for the talking points!